Smoothed Mesh

alias automesh='~/autotwin/automesh/target/release/automesh'
cd ~/autotwin/automesh/book/analysis/sphere_with_shells

Taubin Smoothing


Smooth with various number of iterations:

automesh mesh \
--remove 0 \
--xscale 0.5 --yscale 0.5 --zscale 0.5 \
--xtranslate -12 --ytranslate -12 --ztranslate -12 \
--input spheres_resolution_2.npy \
--output sr2s10.exo \
smooth \
--hierarchical \
--iterations 10
automesh mesh \
--remove 0 \
--xscale 0.5 --yscale 0.5 --zscale 0.5 \
--xtranslate -12 --ytranslate -12 --ztranslate -12 \
--input spheres_resolution_2.npy \
--output sr2s50.exo \
smooth \
--hierarchical \
--iterations 50

Quality Metrics

Assess element quality to avoid oversmoothing:

automesh mesh \
--remove 0 \
--xscale 0.5 --yscale 0.5 --zscale 0.5 \
--xtranslate -12 --ytranslate -12 --ztranslate -12 \
--input spheres_resolution_2.npy \
--output sr2s10.inp \
smooth \
--hierarchical \
--iterations 10

automesh metrics \
--input sr2s10.inp \
--output sr2s10.csv \
automesh mesh \
--xscale 0.5 --yscale 0.5 --zscale 0.5 \
--xtranslate -12 --ytranslate -12 --ztranslate -12 \
--input spheres_resolution_2.npy \
--output sr2s50.inp \
smooth \
--hierarchical \
--iterations 50

automesh metrics \
--input sr2s50.inp \
--output sr2s50.csv \

With figio and the hist_sr2sx.yml recipe, we obtain the following element quality metrics:


