automesh mesh --help
Creates a finite element mesh from a segmentation
Usage: automesh mesh [OPTIONS] --input <FILE> --output <FILE> [COMMAND]
smooth Applies smoothing to the mesh before output
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-i, --input <FILE> Segmentation input file (npy | spn)
-o, --output <FILE> Mesh output file (exo | inp | mesh | vtk)
-d, --defeature <NUM> Defeature clusters with less than NUM voxels
-x, --nelx <NEL> Number of voxels in the x-direction
-y, --nely <NEL> Number of voxels in the y-direction
-z, --nelz <NEL> Number of voxels in the z-direction
-r, --remove <ID>... Voxel IDs to remove from the mesh
--xscale <SCALE> Scaling (> 0.0) in the x-direction [default: 1]
--yscale <SCALE> Scaling (> 0.0) in the y-direction [default: 1]
--zscale <SCALE> Scaling (> 0.0) in the z-direction [default: 1]
--xtranslate <VAL> Translation in the x-direction [default: 0]
--ytranslate <VAL> Translation in the y-direction [default: 0]
--ztranslate <VAL> Translation in the z-direction [default: 0]
--metrics <FILE> Name of the quality metrics file
-q, --quiet Pass to quiet the terminal output
--surface Pass to mesh internal surfaces
-h, --help Print help
automesh mesh smooth --help
Applies smoothing to the mesh before output
Usage: automesh mesh --input <FILE> --output <FILE> smooth [OPTIONS]
-c, --hierarchical Pass to enable hierarchical control
-n, --iterations <NUM> Number of smoothing iterations [default: 20]
-m, --method <NAME> Name of the smoothing method [default: Taubin]
-k, --pass-band <FREQ> Pass-band frequency for Taubin smoothing [default: 0.1]
-s, --scale <SCALE> Scaling parameter for smoothing [default: 0.6307]
-h, --help Print help