
automesh metrics --help
Quality metrics for an existing finite element mesh

Usage: automesh metrics [OPTIONS] --input <FILE> --output <FILE>

  -i, --input <FILE>   Mesh (inp) input file
  -o, --output <FILE>  Quality metrics output file (csv | npy)
  -q, --quiet          Pass to quiet the terminal output
  -h, --help           Print help


automesh implements the following element quality metrics defined in the Verdict report.1

  • Maximum edge ratio
  • Minium scaled Jacobian
  • Maximum skew
  • Element volume

A brief description of each metric follows.

Maximum Edge Ratio

  • measures the ratio of the longest edge to the shortest edge in a mesh element.
  • A ratio of 1.0 indicates perfect element quality, whereas a very large ratio indicates bad element quality.
  • Knupp et al.1 (page 87) indicate an acceptable range of [1.0, 1.3].

Minimum Scaled Jacobian

  • evaluates the determinant of the Jacobian matrix at each of the corners nodes, normalized by the corresponding edge lengths, and returns the minimum value of those evaluations.
  • Knupp et al.1 (page 92) indicate an acceptable range of [0.5, 1.0], though in practice, minimum values as low as 0.2 and 0.3 are often used.

Figure. Illustrate of minimum scaled Jacobian2 with acceptable range for quality occurring in [0.3, 1.0].

Maximum Skew

  • Skew measures how much an element deviates from being a regular shape (e.g., in 3D a cube; in 2D a square or equilateral triangle). A maximum skew value of 0 indicates a perfectly regular shape, while higher values indicate increasing levels of distortion.
  • Knupp et al.1 (page 97) indicate an acceptable range of [0.0, 0.5].

Element Volume

  • Measures the volume of the element.

Unit Tests

Inspired by Figure 2 of Livesu et al.3 reproduced here below

we examine several unit test singleton elements and their metrics.

31.000000e0 (1.000)8.660253e-1 (0.866)5.000002e-1 (0.500)8.660250e-1 (0.866)
3' (noised)1.292260e0 (2.325) ** Cubit: 1.2921.917367e-1 (0.192)6.797483e-1 (0.680)1.247800e0 (1.248)
41.000000e0 (1.000)1.000000e0 (1.000)0.000000e0 (0.000)1.000000e0 (1.000)
4' (noised)1.167884e0 (1.727) ** Cubit: 1.1683.743932e-1 (0.374)4.864936e-1 (0.486)9.844008e-1 (0.984)
51.000000e0 (1.000)9.510566e-1 (0.951)3.090169e-1 (0.309)9.510570e-1 (0.951)
61.000000e0 (1.000)8.660253e-1 (0.866)5.000002e-1 (0.500)8.660250e-1 (0.866)
101.000000e0 (1.000)5.877851e-1 (0.588)8.090171e-1 (0.809)5.877850e-1 (0.588)

Figure: Maximum edge ratio, minimum scaled Jacobian, maximum skew, and volume. Leading values are from automesh. Values in parenthesis are results from HexaLab.4 Items with ** indicate where automesh and Cubit agree, but HexaLab disagrees.

The connectivity for all elements:

1,    2,    4,    3,    5,    6,    8,    7

with prototype:

The element coordinates follow:

# 3
    1,      0.000000e0,      0.000000e0,      0.000000e0
    2,      1.000000e0,      0.000000e0,      0.000000e0
    3,     -0.500000e0,      0.866025e0,      0.000000e0
    4,      0.500000e0,      0.866025e0,      0.000000e0
    5,      0.000000e0,      0.000000e0,      1.000000e0
    6,      1.000000e0,      0.000000e0,      1.000000e0
    7,     -0.500000e0,      0.866025e0,      1.000000e0
    8,      0.500000e0,      0.866025e0,      1.000000e0

# 3'
    1,      0.110000e0,      0.120000e0,     -0.130000e0
    2,      1.200000e0,     -0.200000e0,      0.000000e0
    3,     -0.500000e0,      1.866025e0,     -0.200000e0
    4,      0.500000e0,      0.866025e0,     -0.400000e0
    5,      0.000000e0,      0.000000e0,      1.000000e0
    6,      1.000000e0,      0.000000e0,      1.000000e0
    7,     -0.500000e0,      0.600000e0,      1.400000e0
    8,      0.500000e0,      0.866025e0,      1.200000e0

# 4
    1,      0.000000e0,      0.000000e0,      0.000000e0
    2,      1.000000e0,      0.000000e0,      0.000000e0
    3,      0.000000e0,      1.000000e0,      0.000000e0
    4,      1.000000e0,      1.000000e0,      0.000000e0
    5,      0.000000e0,      0.000000e0,      1.000000e0
    6,      1.000000e0,      0.000000e0,      1.000000e0
    7,      0.000000e0,      1.000000e0,      1.000000e0
    8,      1.000000e0,      1.000000e0,      1.000000e0

# 4'
    1,      0.100000e0,      0.200000e0,      0.300000e0
    2,      1.200000e0,      0.300000e0,      0.400000e0
    3,     -0.200000e0,      1.200000e0,     -0.100000e0
    4,      1.030000e0,      1.102000e0,     -0.250000e0
    5,     -0.001000e0,     -0.021000e0,      1.002000e0
    6,      1.200000e0,     -0.100000e0,      1.100000e0
    7,      0.000000e0,      1.000000e0,      1.000000e0
    8,      1.010000e0,      1.020000e0,      1.030000e0

# 5
    1,      0.000000e0,      0.000000e0,      0.000000e0
    2,      1.000000e0,      0.000000e0,      0.000000e0
    3,      0.309017e0,      0.951057e0,      0.000000e0
    4,      1.309017e0,      0.951057e0,      0.000000e0
    5,      0.000000e0,      0.000000e0,      1.000000e0
    6,      1.000000e0,      0.000000e0,      1.000000e0
    7,      0.309017e0,      0.951057e0,      1.000000e0
    8,      1.309017e0,      0.951057e0,      1.000000e0

# 6
    1,      0.000000e0,      0.000000e0,      0.000000e0
    2,      1.000000e0,      0.000000e0,      0.000000e0
    3,      0.500000e0,      0.866025e0,      0.000000e0
    4,      1.500000e0,      0.866025e0,      0.000000e0
    5,      0.000000e0,      0.000000e0,      1.000000e0
    6,      1.000000e0,      0.000000e0,      1.000000e0
    7,      0.500000e0,      0.866025e0,      1.000000e0
    8,      1.500000e0,      0.866025e0,      1.000000e0

# 10
    1,      0.000000e0,      0.000000e0,      0.000000e0
    2,      1.000000e0,      0.000000e0,      0.000000e0
    3,      0.809017e0,      0.587785e0,      0.000000e0
    4,      1.809017e0,      0.587785e0,      0.000000e0
    5,      0.000000e0,      0.000000e0,      1.000000e0
    6,      1.000000e0,      0.000000e0,      1.000000e0
    7,      0.809017e0,      0.587785e0,      1.000000e0
    8,      1.809017e0,      0.587785e0,      1.000000e0



Knupp PM, Ernst CD, Thompson DC, Stimpson CJ, Pebay PP. The verdict geometric quality library. SAND2007-1751. Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), Albuquerque, NM, and Livermore, CA (United States); 2006 Mar 1. link


Hovey CB. Naval Force Health Protection Program Review 2023 Presentation Slides. SAND2023-05198PE. Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); 2023 Jun 26. link


Livesu M, Pitzalis L, Cherchi G. Optimal dual schemes for adaptive grid based hexmeshing. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG). 2021 Dec 6;41(2):1-4. link


Bracci M, Tarini M, Pietroni N, Livesu M, Cignoni P. An online viewer for hexahedral meshes. Computer-Aided Design. 2019 May 1;110:24-36. link